Sunday, April 29, 2007

Some more old and new

As I go through life I see other amazing artists and are really taken by thier styles, so I take a piece of every great artist I see, (and there are certainly alot of amazing artists out there) and I incorporate a bit of there style with my own skills crafting my style. For the longest time I was pretty happy with my style, from highschool through college. Then I started working in the animation industry and lost my style, or at least I didn't like it as much. There were so many more amazing styles that I neglected my own and only followed. Now this is not to say that I didn't do my own art, it is rather that I did not recognize my own work as my own. As everyone I know would say, " I over thought it." I was never happy with what I came up with, I was always trying to make it someone elses. Now I don't know if I am totally past that. I feel like a style is like a river, slowly it will bend a different way, widen at spots and narrow at others. A style is a living, breathing entity, and I guess what I am trying to say is I lost touch with my style for a while, we were having our differences. But I think we are understanding each other a little more each day, and I just recently realized how much I have missed it. My favorite piece here is from highschool, it's the skater holding the little guy.

1 comment:

aintshakespeare said...

I like the chick with the "misappropriated" eye patch. I also like the cars. Really cool.